Who Do You Think You Are? How do you see yourself? Does this vision keep you from stepping out into the spotlight for business? Does it stop you from sharing images and videos that could otherwise help build a relationship with your ideal customer? Do you ever wonder,...
I shared this video on my Facebook feed recently, and the eco-geek in me is proud that I got the chance to shout from the rooftops: I HATE single-use items! Seriously. Ask any of my friends, they’ll tell you I’m borderline obnoxious with my commitment to...
Hiking is a lot like being an entrepreneur… Have you ever been stuck on a ladder — literally or proverbially? One time sticks out in my memory. I was, at the trailhead of the West Coast Trail staring up at a 4-story ladder. The West Coast Trail is this...
How to Shoot Videos Faster How many takes do you give yourself to get a video right? Do you find yourself doing take after take after take as your try to get your videos perfect? If you’re shaking your head and thinking, ‘too many!’ then you are...
What Is Intentional Video? Something funny happened to me this week: TWO separate entrepreneurs asked me the same question at different times. I figure they’re probably not the only two business owners looking for the answer. Both asked what I mean when I say,...
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