I shared this video on my Facebook feed recently, and the eco-geek in me is proud that I got the chance to shout from the rooftops: I HATE single-use items!

Seriously. Ask any of my friends, they’ll tell you I’m borderline obnoxious with my commitment to reducing waste. But I’m not changing career paths here, this is about video marketing, I promise.  

Single-use items exist in your content too and it’s time to put a STOP to single-use videos.

As an entrepreneur, you know how valuable (and in limited supply) your time is.  And, you know that saving time can really maximize the impact you can have. When you upcycle video content effectively, you can increase your sales and save time along the way!

Let me help you do that. 

Here are 3 ways to reuse your ‘one and done’ videos and give them a second (or third!) life.

Tip #1 – Repurpose your video for different platforms.

If it was shared on Instagram before, bring it to Facebook or vice versa. Maybe there’s a section of a YouTube video that works perfectly to share with your LinkedIn audience. Doing this repurposing might require you to change the aspect ratio – for example from landscape to square or from square to portrait, or to update the title and description. You want to make sure you are optimizing the video for the channel you are on but it’s worth the effort.

Why? Because getting your video out to multiple platforms instantly increases its effectiveness simply by making sure it gets seen by MORE people.

Tip # 2 – Give an old promotional video a new life with an updated Call to Action (CTA).  

You may have created a video a while ago with great information but the call to action was for an event that’s passed. Just because a video’s call to action isn’t timely, it doesn’t mean it should be thrown in the trash. You can record a new ending with an engagement question or an invitation for them to visit your website. Presto, you’ve resurrected a dead video and given it new life. One of the easiest ways to do this seamlessly is to add a simple graphic with a fresh voice-over. 

Pro-Tip: Record the new voice-over using the same audio set-up in the same space you recorded your video so that the new addition is undetectable. Even better — next time, plan ahead for the video’s second life by recording the alternate ending during your video recording session. 

Tip #3 – Re-record an old script.

You might change up the style of video, the setting, the hook, or the call to action — or none of the above. Simply give it a fresh read. You never know who hasn’t heard this message before or who might need to hear it again. Consistently sharing a message is not laziness, it’s strategy!

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more ways to give new life to your old single-use videos, like:

  • Add it to a new video playlist and share it out
  • Create a mini-course
  • Use it as a lead magnet
  • Have someone else share it in a collaboration
  • Give it new relevance with something timely like a holiday or current event.

You don’t let your old videos fade away – give them a new purpose and get more traction from them.

You have a strong message and knowledge to share with your audience, right? Don’t let some misconceived notion that you’ve already shared a video stop you from sharing it again.

You could be withholding valuable content from your audience, and you owe it to them to upcycle it and re-share it so they don’t miss an opportunity to connect with you and your message.  

Want more video tips? Check out my library of videos here. And, be sure to follow my Facebook page so you get fresh content all the time… wait, is it fresh or is it upcycled and just fresh to you? 😉

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